Over dit hoofdstuk/artikel

Henk Wagenaar

over Rudy Kousbroek

Vgl. Hilary Putnam, ?Fact and Value?, in Reason, Truth and History, Cambridge, 1981: 127: ?By calling the dichotomy a cultural institution, I mean to suggest that it is an unfortunate fact that the received answer will go on being the received answer for quite some time regardless of what philosophers may say about it, and regardless of whether or not the received answer is right. Even if I could convince you that the fact-value dichotomy is without rational basis, that it is a rationally indefensible dichotomy, or even if some better philosopher than I could show this by an absolutely conclusive argument (of course there are no such in philosophy), still the next time you went out into the street, or to a cocktail party, or had a discussion at some deliberative body of which you happen to be a member, you would find someone saying to you, ?Is that supposed to be a statement of fact or a value judgement?? The view that there is no fact of the matter as to whether or not things are good or bad or better or worse, etc. has, in asense, become institutionalized. (cursief in origineel, hw)
Rudy Kousbroek, ?Meesterwerken Naverteld Door Een Schooljongen?, nrc, 17 oktober 1986.
Zie Jerome Bruner, ?Under Construction?, New York Review of Books, March 27, 1986:46.
Vgl. Graham Hough, Style and Stylistics, London, 1969: 4: ?…the more we reflect on it the more doubtful it becomes how far we can talk about different ways of saying; is not each different way of saying in fact the saying of a different thing?? (cursief in origineel)
Vgl. bijvoorbeeld Stephen Ullman, Style in the French Novel, Cambridge, 1957, 6: ?There can be no question of style unless the speaker or writer has the possibility of choosing between alternative forms of expression. Synonymy, in the widest sense of the term, lies at the root of the whole problem of style?.
Vgl. Alasdair McIntyre, After Virtue, Notre Dame, 1981: 26: ?Characters specified thus must not be confused with social roles in general. For they are a very special type of social role which places a certain kind of moral constraint on the personality of those who inhabit them in a way in which many other social roles do not… In the case of a character role and personality fuse in a more specific way than in general; in the case of a character the possibilities of action are defined in a more limited way than in general.? Voor een even vermakelijke als educatieve typologie van karakters in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek, en een illustratie van het feit dat Objectieve Waarheid evenzeer afhankelijk is van stijl als inhoud, zie Johan Barendregts vertaling van, en aanvulling op, de Karakters van Theophrastus.